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The Great Confusion… clearly explained.

If you are to awaken, you must examine the definition “bad” with all your might. All are so easy to manipulate just by distorting this one definition; how you answer is critical, for it sits at the root of your psyche.

What is acting bad, is obviously confused. And what is confused, is not actually then bad. And you can feel guilty, but never can your confused reactions that brought you into poor behavior devalue you as unworthy of being a creation. And so, while you are unconscious of your ROOT confusion, unaware of the crux that is at the root of behavior, then naturally you could not be unworthy, and still very much worthy of innocence just as a child who does not know, and so it goes for everyone.

If you might try to reclaim this true definition in you, this innocence now seen would naturally be applied unto all that your mind engages, and so then everything you think & see & how you relate must vibe in accordance… Into a new way of thinking & being. Because the false root has been uprooted, no longer does your produce contract into defensive ideas, but rather expanding into loving ones, now that the REAL idea of innocence has been given a place to be reborn & celebrated in your mind.

The real problem is, without a deep resting in the knowing of our innocence, then there is unawareness of how to celebrate its essence, and so the multitudes who are not yet at rest, will not yet understand what it means to create… and so the unawakened make instead. To make means to procure thought as if in isolation; where the purpose, the intent, behind the motive is special, selective, and not fully expansive; and so conditional. True Creation’s natural way, Its essence, Its pervading conscious ray, is the knowing of devotion unto maximal extension; to join through FULL inclusion. Fully shared; the all natural way of leaving no room for doubt. ALL of creation must recognize the attribute of its fullness attitude in order for it to qualify as Reality, as fully pervasive, as an embedment within creation, as a maximal expression that extends fully; interwoven into the moment. Thoughts then, as you hold them, if they are wholly extendable, are whole & true; and the remaining incapable of full extension, are not fully shareable, thus has not the quality to qualify as a real expression that actually creates. In reality, these un-wholly thoughts are destructive, producing the illusion of seeing threats & enemies; an effect that could only be brought on through the denying of our innocence. For much confusion must enters if we had first misperceived ourselves. And as you believe that another can be pegged as bad, as unworthy, that bad truly exists, you will merely be making dreams of war within your believed isolation, as you try to force fit it into reality.

To distort confusion with badness is really a matter of an incomplete thought; where due to incompletion we perceive a line of mercy where intolerance can be comfortably drawn; personified per individual, thus distorted for no universal sharp line of unanimous agreement exists. What is true is always true no matter what your eyes see. In order to restore perfect sense, how to perceive joyously, our thoughts must draw from True Source, an intelligence that draws from within the knowing that we are, from our Creator’s vantage, innocent. And how drastic perception changes under this canopy of sweet knowledge.

Whomever has not yet witnessed a foundational psychological correction & emotional attunement, may you consider that it is because the definition of bad still confuses you so. To ignore this definition would be to confine one’s mental activity within the illusory realmic vision who dreams under The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Bad… simply because you have chosen to keep concepts that are limiting quite busy in your sight, diluting one’s mind into seeing illusory boundaries, obstructing one’s thought field from experiencing the release & the unlimited REAL expansiveness of relationship gratitude that comes through becoming unified into the purified vision, of which this abundant emotional nourishing generative gratitudal energy is referred to as The Tree of Life.

To wake up from the low vibe delusion, you must within you, very deeply, undo this definition. For belief in this definition places catastrophic interference within one’s perceived reality. Innocence is our truth! And through simply allowing self to remember this, as you take this true gift deeply within you, you will energetically embody this higher vibration as you accept this truth about self, and become convinced as it unfolds to reach every corner of your thought; healing, inducing a corrective perception with such effects known as the awakening. Now consciously acknowledging that your heart’s inner power is always & forever partaking; recognizing our Divinity. What else has the power to perfectly heal your feeling of separation, other than to see that what you thought, never was? The All Natural Reality does not change, and it does not boast, it only peacefully expresses itself while waiting lovingly for you to see it as it is.


Preparation for Receptivity

If extremely good news were presented plainly to you, would you notice it? Or might you wince backward defensively, when facing off with your past learnings, where conflicting thoughts must go ablaze during cognitive dissonance.

To the minds who live in the destructive guilt admired non-reality, there must remain constant burden to seek for peace while holding the heavy idea of guilt as real… and bound you are to forever seeking the impossible, the delusional reality of enegetically cherishing two opposing thought forces… making life unintelligible… while living in denial of your inner non-cohesion.

The wildfire that burns away false ideas is among us. You will either be cognitively & energetically be tuned into the ignition thus purification, or remain within the delusion that must then provide the experience of being consumed by it… always according to the limits, your mind holds dear.

The Great Bifurcation: Innocence vs. Guiltiness

Through every moment, that which is held in the heart, there is a reflection that is heard, felt, radiated, and sometimes dimly known as we shine or darken each moment. But nothing leaves a stain of bliss hopelessness, of energetic fearfulness, and of never-healed relationship, such as the idea of guiltiness being believed by the mind, as if being deemed as unworthy of mercy could become a true condition within our created reality.

To see the creation of you differently than through the true essence of how Creation truly creates, is to deny your true reality, and to “unconsciously submit” your nervous system into a state of nervous reactivity and mental confinement. A dysfunction that seeks to remedy this nervous confusion, this wandering about through perceived limits, through focusing on finding proofs of security; proofs derived through personified mental operations such as comparing & separating; which in effect is using the mental activity of division to navigate. Rather, True Reality gives us the natural capacity to graciously look upon life without division, and so allowing the non-judgmental mind to receive real knowledge of our oneness. This great bifurcation between these two mental pathways, should not be underestimated! For the one path is True and leads to liberation, and the other false and which leads to the confinement of perceiving guiltiness as useful in order to make sense, and so the sensible mind now non-sensical has unknowingly cut off communication with what is true & intelligent, and where communication has been cut off from the whole, it the absence of sensing the essence of relationship, thus perceiving no means to unite into a common vision, and the only thing that looks certain is eventually finding peace through death. All this dysfunction occurring within one’s energetic field when guiltiness is believed in!

Mind is a garden. Energetically naturally producing joyful thoughts of clarity, and staying out of confining personified pathways & nervous reactions is natural when one has removed the false information. Correct the problem of thinking guiltiness could be a potential, and the interference is removed from mind, and this naturally corrects how any one person energetically & cognitively relates to all others & self. This is a very deep root, and you will notice its unnatural qualities when you begin to tug it from your psyche. Very deep; such that the idea of guilt seems to be holding up a whole world. Yet this discovered non-sense will only increase your insistency to remove it. And with this correction within one’s thinking, one’s expectations and all one’s peaceful impulses, now lay in wholesome service to lovely purposes. A generative attitude; where thoughts consciously now harmonize lovingly; thoughts now revolving around the essence knowledge of our created reality. Naturally peace is found, becomes embodied, through the accepting of one’s inheritance; one’s Reality.

To continue to approach this vision with lethargy, without wholeness, then the path of continued vicarious living efforts will continue to enter & pollute the perception of your “True Created Image”, so to see & believe that you are limited & separated. Unaware that your energy given to victimhood hides from you the deal, and you being the dealer, as every thought passes through the field of your “self imposed limited” awareness. Nothing within the “conditioned”, the confined thought process is seen as it really is while unconscious of being the one who has denied accepting the truth about our created reality.

The erosion of the FALSE principality,
the major FAULT in our thinking,
is in quake, is about the FALL.

Love, for Love to be as is, is an expression whose inner essence is maximal. It does not withhold; for if it did, it would no longer have the essence of Love. A creation of Love you are. Only whence the perfect creation, the perfect replica, the perfect Son, learns that he is made in the image of his Creator, recognizing His Divinity, will his Will naturally take the focus that which clears the path, to claim his inheritance. No longer is there denial of innocent relationship. So can be a presence that is intentionally & energetically & sincerely listening, for ONLY The Voice that speaks to His Children in perfect innocence. When approached wholly, does the channel flow unimpeded. As the sensational idea is able to be wholly received, it is internalized wholly, sensationalized and enjoyed wholly for its natural harmony & healing ways on all levels; satisfied as the emotionally & psychologically satisfied witness, and nothing left out.

Do ponder that through distorting the image of how one sees self does offer a most effective way for the self to fall into doubt about self and about all others; to loose faith in our Truly Created Image, of which changes the channel on which the ears hear, and so placing interference into our once pristine harkening, and so the communication that speaks to His children in the Voice of ONLY innocence, is no longer the channel listened for, and so unheard.

The idea of innocence is far more powerful than just an idea, but One that proliferates as you reconcile your Reality. For when taken in wholly, obliterates the world of guiltiness; and the mind & nervous system now sees the clear unobstructed path for resting in the calmness of Peace.